Ayurvedic Treatment And Management Your Diabetes

Diabetes Means to Ayurveda? | What is The Best Medicine For Diabetes

Patients with diabetes frequently use complementary and alternative medications including Ayurvedic Medicines and hence it is important to determine their efficacy and safety.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the body fails to utilize the glucose produced at the end of digestion, leading to increased glucose levels in the blood serum and urine. During the process of digestion, the carbohydrate in the consumed food is broken down into glucose. Glucose is important because it provides energy for the cells. To make use of this glucose for energy, a hormone named insulin is needed. People having Diabetes mellitus don’t have sufficient insulin production in their body or the insulin produced is not used for the conversion of glucose into energy. Due to this, the glucose levels in the body increase in the blood damaging the blood vessels of vital organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes or the nervous system. This can lead to complications like heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and can even suffer from stroke.

What does Diabetes mean in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, Prameha refers to urinary abnormality. There are twenty types of Prameha and Madhumeha, commonly known as Diabetes mellitus, is one of them.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes at Vidzarisehigh:

For the first time in medical history, a therapeutic lotion "Madhubairi lotion" has been prepared by integrating Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine For Diabetes to lower the blood sugar levels effectively. As the name suggests Madhu (honey or in medical science, we may refer to as sugar) Bairi (a power who takes away all your pain and clears out the obstacles). Similarly, MadhuBairi Lotion has proven records of controlling Diabetes collected through clinical trials. Results are visible after 5 days of usage. Lifetime boon for diabetic patients from Vidzarisehigh.

Living a healthy and happy life with diabetes is possible. Millions of diabetes patients manage their blood sugar levels with Ayurveda – Yes, this is possible with Madhubairi by Vdza risehigh.

Hot Tips
  • It's difficult to find major flaws with the basic Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes. Avoiding excess sweets and encouraging vegetable and whole grain intake is certainly aligned with more contemporary diabetic diet strategies.

  • One variance would be the recommendation to avoid red meat, seafood, and dairy. One could argue that eating lean red meats once or twice per week, salmon for omega-3 fatty acids and low-fat dairy for calcium and protein are acceptable and healthy for diabetics. The benefits of honey over sugar are also up for debate.

  • It is not surprising that a long tradition developed for diabetes management through diet, as medications were not available until a few decades ago. It is still wise advice to manage your diet carefully.

Where to get Madhubairi?

Vidza RiseHigh is a leading Supplier of Madhubairi Lotion throughout the world. Please visit the store to get one for you:

To know more you can contact us on:
  • Vidza Rise High Private Limited 
  • Website: www.vidzarisehigh.com
  • Phone: 1844-659-1635 (USA), +91 8527 - 122 – 149


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